
Should You Get a Pre-Sale Home Inspection?

Unless you’re in a seller’s market where you can expect many offers, quickly, it might make sense to get a pre-sale home inspection. It can give your listing a competitive advantage. What is it? It’s simply a professional inspection you get done on your own home. Assuming only a few inconsequential issues ...

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Why Bargain Hunting is a Bad Idea

It seems like every month there is a new website offering deals on everything from electronics to travel. In fact, the “coupon industry” is booming. This trend has conditioned people, more than ever before, to look for bargains and become determined to pay well below the market price for merchandise. There’s ...

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Protecting your Home Gadgets from Hacking

Imagine your coffee maker switching on by itself, staying on for hours, overheating and becoming a fire hazard. That’s not science fiction. As more and more appliances incorporate Wi-Fi, the opportunities for hackers to play havoc with your home gadgets increase. How do you prevent that from happening? Here are some ...

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The Role of Carrying Costs when Buying a New Home

When searching for a new home, many buyers will focus only on the list price and what they may need to offer to get the property. For example, a buyer might think, “We can get this house for $XX. That’s within our price range!” Of course, the selling price plays the ...

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